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Title: Resource Provisioning Strategies in Cloud: A Survey
Authors: Vasoya, Shivani
Gadhavi, Lata
Bhatia, Jitendra
Bhavsar, Madhuri
Keywords: Cloud Computing
Resource Provisioning
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Mar-2016
Series/Report no.: ITFIT004-13;
Abstract: In the recent field of Information and Technology, the cloud computing has been introduced as an most emerging technology which provides on-demand self-service and broader access to the network by managing the provision and the release of shared pool of computational resource in a manner that reduce the resource utilization cost. Resources needed to maintain and implement the management system and to address customer requirement including personal, work environment, information, and financial resources. Verification of resource needs for particular activities is integrated with the process of defining and initiating the activity. Resource provisioning means to provide resources as per the requirement of the application with keeping in mind the Quality-of-service defined in the SLA. It is a very challenging task to provide resources in a manner to achieve the QoS as defined in the SLA. CSP should ensure that all the applications running on the cloud get the resources as per their requirements. In this paper, we have reviewed the various resource provisioning techniques proposed by researchers considering different parameters.
Description: IJCSC, Vol. 7 (2), March - September, 2016, Page No. 12 - 15
ISSN: DOI: 10.090592/IJCSC.2016.103
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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