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Title: Analyzing the Performance of Centralized Clustering Techniques for Realistic Wireless Sensor Network Topologies
Authors: Raval, Gaurang
Bhavsar, Madhuri
Patel, Nitin
Keywords: Harmony Search
Wireless Sensor Network
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing 2015 (ICRTC-2015)
Series/Report no.: ITFIT002-9;
Abstract: Clustering techniques in wireless sensor networks enables energy efficient coordination among the densely deployed nodes for data delivery till the base station. Many clustering protocols have been suggested in the recent past. The topology of the nodes, mostly seen in the literature, is of random type. This paper analyzes the performance aspects of various centralized clustering techniques for wireless sensor networks. LEACH-Centralized, KMeans-CP, FCM-CP and HSA-CP protocols have been compared with respect to clustering and data delivery process for various realistic topologies. The simulations were performed for these protocols and performance of the protocols has been critically analyzed. HSA-CP clustering method performs better compared to other techniques for almost each topology examined in the paper.
Description: Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 57, 2015, Page No. 1026 – 1035
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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