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Title: Effective Resource Utilization using Software Defined Networking based Load Balancer for Minimizing Request Service Time
Authors: Bhatia, Jitendra
Patel, Prakash
Bhavsar, Madhuri
Keywords: Software Defined Networking
Load Balancer
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Apr-2016
Citation: 3rd International Conference on Computing Sciences., At LPU- Punjab, April, 2016
Series/Report no.: ITFIT004-17;
Abstract: The conventional network approach would be done through the human intervention and it is in the hardware box. The quality of service is the main aspect of the networking for efficient delivery of services to clients. Our conventional network architectures are not upto the mark to meet the requirements of todays IT industry and end users to provide the better quality of services in real time network environment. The proposed Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm explores the network service provisioning and service level agreement (SLA) better than the conventional networking. Current, network loadbalancers are expensive hardware devices operating at the core networks. This work emphasis on effective resource utilization using SDN based load balancing to minimize request service time. This work focus on the experimental analysis of the software defined networking based load balancing and its benefits over the existing algorithms. The proposed algorithm selects the least loaded server from the server pool. It minimizes the request servicing time and reduces the response time than the conventional load balancing like random and round robin policies. We have emulated the proposed algorithm on mininet emulator using POX controller. The SDN controller provides optimal resource utilization in network services through dynamic load balancing.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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