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Title: Performance Assessment of Computational Grid on Weather Indices from HOAPS Data
Authors: Bhavsar, Madhuri
Singh, Anupam
Pradhan, S. N.
Keywords: Climate Model
Computational Grid
Grid Application
Heterogeneous Grid
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2008
Series/Report no.: ITFIT004-21;
Abstract: Long term rainfall analysis and prediction is a challenging task especially in the modern world where the impact of global warming is creating complications in environmental issues. These factors which are data intensive require high performance computational modeling for accurate prediction. This research paper describes a prototype which is designed and developed on grid environment using a number of coupled software infrastructural building blocks. This grid enabled system provides the demanding computational power, efficiency, resources, user-friendly interface, secured job submission and high throughput. The results obtained using sequential execution and grid enabled execution shows that computational performance has enhanced among 36% to 75%, for decade of climate parameters. Large variation in performance can be attributed to varying degree of computational resources available for job execution. Grid Computing enables the dynamic runtime selection, sharing and aggregation of distributed and autonomous resources which plays an important role not only in business, but also in scientific implications and social surroundings. This research paper attempts to explore the grid enabled computing capabilities on weather indices from HOAPS data for climate impact modeling and change detection.
Description: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 42, 2008, Page No. 704 - 710
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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