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Title: Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
Authors: Khanpara, Pimal
Khanpara, Param
Keywords: DoS Attack
Wireless Network
IEEE 802.11 Network
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: May-2015
Publisher: ijates
Series/Report no.: ITFCE036-3;
Abstract: Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) have become very popular in almost all organizations and universities. WPA, WPA2, WEP, etc. are some of the examples of these Our WLAN’s are not protected from DoS attacks although it has many of these features. Interconnected systems, such as Webservers, database-servers, cloudcomputing servers, etc. are under threats of network attackers.[1] Serious impact on computer system is caused by DoS attacks. Wireless solutions are quite important n various organizations, universities and many other places as there are no issues related to wired structured.[2] In wireless networks DoS attacks is of quite importance in present years. Demonstration show that Dos Attacks can be easily launched in MAC layer. The MAC addresses of wireless network devices is forged in most of the cases by the attackers to halt the operation of the wireless network. Such types of attack are easily available for attackers by many tools. Degradation of the network quality and loss of availability of the network within the organization is resulted by such attacks.[1] DDoS attack is a form of DoS attack in which attacker try to use the IP address of the legitimate user. It is an active category of attack among the two type of attack. The main aim of the attacker is to utilize all the resources so that user cannot use them. Large number of computers access is gained by them to set up attack armies (known as botnets) by exploiting their vulnerabilities. A large scale attack can be launched by these created army against the system. Several strategies could be used by the attacker to achieve this goal. The important and common among them is flooding the network with bogus requests. As multiple computer is used the attack is distributed to launch DoS attacks.[3] This paper reviews various denial of service attacks and there prevention/detection solutions. Paper shows how DoS attacks are created, some methods to prevent them and its types. We also identify the issues with existing countermeasure and provide future research directions.
Description: International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3 (1), May, 2015, Page No. 165 - 172
ISSN: 2348 – 7550
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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