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Title: Pharmacognosy and in-vitro Pharmacological of Grewia Flavescens Juss
Authors: Patel, Devika C.
Keywords: Dissertation Report
Natural Products
Issue Date: May-2015
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PDR00351;
Abstract: Grewia flavescens (Tiliaceae) popularly known as “donkeys berry”, is a shrub or small tree distributed in southern India and mostly found growing in Balaram- ambaji, Mount Abu, Aravali regions of North Gujarat. The plant is known for its nutritional value and roots and stems are traditionally reported to be used in inflammation fever, kidney stone and for bone fracture healing. Despite of many ethno medicinal reports available on the plant, there is no evidence of sufficient scientific work on pharmacognosy pharmacological effects of this plant, so in this present study we have studied the plant for its detail pharmacognosy and preliminary in vitro pharmacological screening with special reference to anti inflammatory, antioxidant and anti lithiatic effects. Preliminary phytochemical studies indicated presence of sterols, carbohydrate, tannins, protein, flavonoids and saponins and alkaloids are found to be absent. The morphological study of stem of G. flavescens showed quadrangular with 4 prominent angles (4 edges),branching alternate, Longitudinal groove in the centre of each edges, and root showed externally dark brown and showing longitudinally marks and internally creamish yellow, straight, smooth, fibrous and showed longitudinal striations. Wood showed radical growth in most cases noticeably anomalous with pith at the center. The morphology study of leaves showed serrate margin with equal base, alternate venation, highly pubescent and dotted surface. Midrib was prominent on lower side with two lateral veins parallel to margin. The microscopic study of stem of G. flavescens showed presence of well developed vascular structure with pericyclic fibers, pith and scattered stone cells etc and study of root of G. flavescens showed presence of pitted thick wall, suberin containing cork cell, 12-14 layers of cork cells. The microscopic study of leaf showed dorsiventral lamina with cuticularized single layer epidermis, branched and lignified trichomes with thick wall and bulbous base were the unique feature of leaf. So this study may be useful in the development of monograph details for roots and stems of this plant. The results of TLC analysis showed that β- sitosterol was present in all of the extracts. The total saponin, protein, carbohydrate content of the aqueous and methanolic extracts of stem, root and leaf of G. flavescens were done. Saponins were found to be higher in aqueous extract of root (AER) and aqueous extract of leaf (AEL). The hydrolyzed extract of stem and root contained higher amount of carbohydrate as compared to aqueous and methanolic extract. The total protein content of aqueous extract of stem, root and leaf were found to be higherin amount compare to the methanolic extract of it. The total phenol and flavonoid content of aqueous and methanolic extract of stem, root and leaf of G. flavescens were done. The methanolic extracts of stem and root contained higher amount of phenolics and flavonoids as compared to the aqueous extract of G. flavescens. The antioxidant assay 2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) anion scavenging power, 2,2’-Azinobis(3-Ethylbenzo Thiazoline (ABTS) radical cation decolorization assay, and Trolox equivalent antioxidant activity were done for aqueous and methanolic extract of stem, root and leaf of G. flavescens ,but the methanolic extracts showed the higher potential of antioxidant activity. The inhibitory potential of the aqueous and methanolic extracts of stems, roots and leaves of G. flavescens were tested for the calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) crystal formation by nucleation assay, the aqueous extract of root of G. flavescens cultivars caused dissolution of Calcium oxalate crystal nucleation when compared to dissolution by other plant parts extracts. The anti inflammatory activity was found to be higher in aqueous extract of stem by using the protease inhibitory activity and protein denaturation activity. The observed anti inflammatory and antioxidant activity are due to the presence of chemical constituents such as triterpenoids like β - sitosterol, α-amyrin, β-amyrin, erythrodiol, phenolics, tannins present in G. flavescens. The results of the study have implications in the use of G. flavescens as anti - inflammatory and antioxidant in several applications requiring these properties. It was found that methanolic extract of roots and stem have exhibited highest antioxidant activity, thus it can be proposed that high amount of phenolics in stem and root can be considered as possible responsible for antiinflammatory and anti lithiatic activity. They can be further screened in vivo for observation of beneficial effects in traditional use of kidney stone and inflammation. Thus, this will provide scientific evidence to the traditional claims/ethno pharmacological uses bone fracture healing activity (stem) and anti lithiatic activity (root) by the various communities across India and other countries like Ethiopia, Africa.
Appears in Collections:M.Pharm. Research Reports, Department of Pharmacognosy

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