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Title: Aggregating Data from Diverse Sources with Risk Management
Authors: Khanpara, Priyank
Keywords: Computer 2017
Project Report 2017
Computer Project Report
Project Report
INS 2017
Issue Date: May-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MCEI11;
Abstract: Now-a-day, information available though different type of formats. Collecting information from those formats require man power. Getting those information from different source is really time consuming and tedious process. With Data Aggregation from such diverse sources instead of using traditional human oriented method, we can optimize time and resources and increase productivity. Data aggregation associated with process of aggregating data from different source like Portable Document Formats, Text Files, Graphical Documents or Data Storage Files. The information are extracted from data sources based on define the entities. Aggregated information which are collected from these sources, will be stored at centralized data source. Collected data will be aggregated and utilized over third party system. Portable document format are mostly used for official documenting. Portable document format contain different type content such as graphical, tabular, as well as text format. During process of information gathering from Portable Document format, conversion of these format to text format is required. These process contain primary step of text extraction from different format. Extracted information stored at centralize storage location. Stored information will be present data in a summarized format over third party system that is meaningful and useful for the end user or application.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (INS)

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