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Title: Analysis and Optimization Of Drive Shaft Housing Of Marine Engine Using FEA
Authors: Vaishnav, Darshan
Keywords: Mechanical 2007
Project Report 2007
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
CAD/CAM 2007
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2009
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 07MME020
Abstract: Vibration and noise are the critical design features for mechanical components. The boat contains a number of components which are main source of vibration, such as propeller, main engine and structure. The vibrations are transmitted by the engine mount system to the boat. Engine is mounted by means of drive shaft housing. So drive shaft housing is a critical component to be considered for reducing noise and failure due to vibration. Here we have taken the drive shaft housing of a marine outboard engine of boat. In this component generally lower mode frequencies are closer to resonance. So, they are increased to a safe level. The main objective of this project was to increase the frequency, using topology optimization, of first few modes which were intersecting the engine order lines. The shape of the drive shaft housing was optimized in such a way that the frequency of resonance prone modes was increased. For this purpose an initial modal analysis was performed. In addition stresses were also considered at the time of Optimization. The areas where stresses were exceeding the yield limit were provided smooth change in shape or fillets. First of all the static and modal analysis was done. Here the meshing was done using Hypermesh 9.0 and analysis was done using Abaqus solver. At the end of the stress and modal analysis the Campbell diagram was plotted and it was found that frequencies of mode 1 was intersecting the engine order lines so the mode frequency was to be increased to a safe value. The increase in frequency was achieved by topology optimization of the component. The topology optimization was done using the optistruct software. The result of optimization analysis was studied in the form of density plots. From the density plots of optimization analysis, the original geometry was modified using CAD package. After modifying the geometry, static and modal analysis was performed using Abaqus solver. And results were compared with the actual one. At the end of static and modal analysis, it was observed that the frequency was increased up to about 16% with reduction in mass of about 5% and also reduced Analysis and Optimization of Drive Shaft Housing using FEA  displacement of about 38%. It was also observed that regions, in which stresses were exceeding the accepted stress levels, were also reduced. Thus it is seen that topology optimization can be used for improvement of some design features keeping other features in safe limits.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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