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Title: End to End Automation and Testing for STB(Set top Box) and Docsis Cable Modem with Escape Defect Analysis
Authors: Arya, Anukruti
Keywords: Computer 2017
Project Report 2017
Computer Project Report
Project Report
IT 2017
Issue Date: May-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MCEN02;
Abstract: Set top Boxes are devices which helps in displaying the transmitted content onto the TV. Each STB requires special bin and iips files to function properly and desirably. This process can be carried out using the process Campaign Creation. Automation is the connecting of different or dissimilar systems or software in a manner that they behave as self-regulating entities. Usually this is done so that mundane tasks can be done more efficiently and effectively , thus cutting labour time. Mundane task automation has a benefit that it would do redundant task in lesser time than humans, thus reducing time of doing the task and at the same time human intelligence and time can be used for some other useful tasks. Campaign Creation is a process of configuring the STB that has been automated so that it can be done in lesser time than humans take, thus reducing time of doing the task. Escape defect analysis, also known as EDA is a process of detecting whether or not an escape has occurred , after testing of the product to be released was done. If an escape is found, it’s root cause analysis(RCA) takes place, which is done by development or the testing team to determine the actual reason of its occurrence and after analysis, the problem is assigned to the respective individual(also known as assignees) or team of individuals for elucidation process.After the issue is resolved, its plan of actions are retrospected so that same action can be used to solve an issue of similar kind in future. In the nutshell, Escape Defect Analysis involves finding the effectiveness of phase detection. Development and Test team would identify why the specific issue was introduced and identify the action items to prevent it in future. Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification or DOCSIS is an international standards for Cable modems that will provide data stream to Cable TV etc. These standards are normally used to achieve high speed and QOS for the services they provide.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (NT)

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