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Title: Efficient Cache Utilization in Named Data Networking (NDN)
Authors: Zalak, Prajapati
Keywords: Computer 2017
Project Report 2017
Computer Project Report
Project Report
IT 2017
Issue Date: May-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MCEN21;
Abstract: With the highly increasing demand of multimedia content, Internet traffic has been growing more and wasted bandwidth by downloaded repeated popular content. Today’s Internet architecture is location dependant because they exchange massages between two host according to the source and destination address of IP data-gram. Which make con-figuration and implementation of network services more complex. Another alternative architecture P2P or CDN provide better performance but they are not natively sup-ported by current Internet. Recently, CCN (Content-centric networks) or ICN(Information Centric network)has been proposed for highly delivery of content. NDN architecture is clean- state design for future internet architecture. Named data networking (NDN) architecture communicate through content name rather than IP addresses. NDN has content caching functionality which gives advantages like reduction in traffic load, minimizes bandwidth consumption. For client utilization of cache and eliminate traffic, put popular content in content store with the special amount of time and deals with unpopular content which minimizes bandwidth reduction. The performance analysis of caching in NDN have parameter like Cache size, Cache hit ratio, response time, hop count. To protect NDN router against un-popular content we use Cache shielding techniques. We use ndnSIM which is ns-3 based named data networking simulator for evaluating performance of proposed algorithm.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (NT)

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