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Title: Degradation of Different Classes of Textile Dyes Using Isolated Bacterial Strains
Authors: Dave, Abhijit
Keywords: Chemical 2016
Project Report
Project Report 2016
Chemical Project Report
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2018
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 16MCHE02;
Abstract: An indigenously screened bacteria Aeromonas dhakensis strain AGMA1, Acinetobacter junii strain AGMA2, Acinetobacter sp. strain AGMA3, Citrobacter sp. strain AGMAY1, Acinetobacter sp. strain AGMAY2 and Aeromonas veronii strain AGMAY3 isolate from local industrial area and pond were able to decolourization of Reactive yellow 160 and Acid Blue 15 dyes. These bacterial isolate able to Decolorization 75% of 100 mg/L Acid Blue dye and 95% of 100 mg/L Reactive yellow dye within 96 h at 37 °C and normal pH. These bacteria also able to degradation of these dyes which was confirmed by the analytical techniques like Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry and High-performance liquid chromatography. And also the products of the degradation were assessed by phytotoxixcity test.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CH (EPD)

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