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Title: Hypervisor Malware in Virtualized Enviornment of Cloud
Authors: Dhote, Himanshu
Keywords: Computer 2016
Project Report 2016
Computer Project Report
Project Report
INS 2016
Issue Date: 1-May-2018
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Abstract: In modern era of digitization cloud computing is playing an important key role in it. Tons of user data is on cloud and to manage it with all the odds is mesmerizing task. All of the major community is on cloud having all there confidential user data resides on a cloud and to provide user data integrity and security is the major concern task for any service provider. In the last few decades researcher has been motivated to provide security on a cloud with reference to the categorization and classification of security concerns. Growing security risk in last few year in various component of cloud is major concern. Research studies has been motivated by risk, threat and vulnerability imposed within the environment of cloud. In cloud computing hypervisor is the major concern as a security point of view. By installing rouge hypervisor within the genuine hypervisor can cause adverse effect to the cloud environment or by manipulating system file such as Memory Based record (MBR) file or Volume Based Record (VBR) file can also handover the hypervisor control to the attacker. To perform the above said attack, at- tacker take the help of malware to perform such attack in the cloud environment. In this research studies the main aim is to minimize the security risk, threat and vulnerability as hypervisor perspective in cloud environment. For this we have study malware behaviour and collect their signature and try to perform attack on our testbed for at- tack learning and to study system behaviour before and after attack which help to understand the hypervisor flow in the cloud environment. Perceptron algorithm has been used to detect the malware within the file this algorithm is used because it classify the file with its unique vector or feature and for this signature of malware is provided for detection of malware within the file. Prevention of attack is also the part of the research for this IDS & IPS can be used in this unusual traffic will get eliminated from the net- work and Ad-Blocker is another way to prevent malware in the system.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (INS)

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