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Title: Recent Advances in theTreatment ofThromboembolic Diseases: VenousThromboembolism
Authors: Agrawal, Y. K.
Vaidya, Hitesh
Bhatt, Hardik
Manna, Kuntal
Brahmkshatriya, Pathik
Keywords: venous thromboembolic
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Wiley Interscience
Series/Report no.: IPFP0270;
Abstract: Venous thromboembolic diseases are the major concern of rising cost of healthcare and are commonest health problem across the globe. Both genetic and acquired risk factors are believed to be strongly linked with these diseases. Commonly encountered problems to the therapy include dose fixing and routine monitoring yet some serious problems of bleeding also necessitates the immediate need to develop new agents. The review is primarily concerned with the new developments in the treatment of thromboembolic diseases. Therapeutic applications of anticoagulants, anti platelets, and thrombolytics have been discussed in enough detail.
Description: Medicinal Research Reviews, 2007
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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