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dc.contributor.authorPalkhiwala, Suhani-
dc.contributor.authorBakshi, Sonal R.-
dc.descriptionPalkhiwala and Bakshi: Bhasma and engineered nanoparticles; Website: DOI: 10.4103/0974-8520.153785;AYU | Jul-Sep 2014 | Vol 35 | Issue 3en_US
dc.description.abstractThe nanoparticles are a miracle invention of the century that has opened novel avenues of applications in various fields. The safety aspect of exposure to nanoparticles for humans, plants, animals, soil micro‑flora, and ecosystem at large has been questioned. The safety concern can be addressed by laboratory studies to assess the actual risk and recommend exposure limits and related regulation. There is also a suggestion for considering the nanoparticle form of conventional compounds as a new chemical and subject it to safety assessment in line with the chemical regulatory agencies. In the light of the current scenario of popularity and safety concerns regarding nanoparticles, the use of ancient metal based forms like, Bhasma is revisited in the present article. The current approach of green synthesis of nanoparticles is compared with the Ayurveda Rasayana Shastra guidelines of Bhasma preparation and modern preparation of engineered nanoparticles. Since the benefits of nanotechnology are undeniable, and safety concerns are also not ungrounded, there is a pressing need to revisit the ways nanoparticles are manufactured, and to carry out safety assessment by the techniques specially adapted for this novel compound.en_US
dc.publisherAYU(An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda)en_US
dc.subjectconventional nanoparticlesen_US
dc.subjectengineered nanoparticlesen_US
dc.subjectmetal based Ayurvedic preparationsen_US
dc.subjectRasa Shastraen_US
dc.subjectregulatory guidelinesen_US
dc.subjectsafety evaluationen_US
dc.titleEngineered nanoparticles: Revisiting safety concerns in light of ethno medicineen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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