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Title: Dynamic Response Control of Steel Buildings
Authors: Dave, Atri
Keywords: Civil 2015
Project Report 2015
Civil Project Report
Project Report
CASAD 2015
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MCLC04;
Abstract: Earthquakes are the most expensive natural disasters humans face. It was only after late 20th century that seismic design of steel structures started incorporating supplemental energy dissipation systems. Inherent damping of the structures help to some extent in resisting vibrations, which is as low as 2% for steel structures. Thus it is inevitable to in-corporate supplemental energy dissipation system to control the seismic response of steel structure. The present study focuses on understanding the response of steel structure with and without energy dissipation elements (EDEs) under different strong ground motions. Earthquake events used in this studies are El Centro (1940), Loma Prieta (1989), Northridge (1994), and Kobe (1995) time histories. A six-story steel building illustrated in the FEMAP-751, NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples is taken up to un-der effectiveness of various energy dissipation devices like viscous dampers, viscoelastic dampers etc. Design and analysis of the building model is done using SAP2000 software. Design of viscous and viscoelastic damper is performed and evaluation of various response quantities like Interstorey drift, maximum storey displacement, peak acceleration, damper forces etc. is done to quantify effectiveness of damper to the steel building.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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