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dc.contributor.authorChavda, Vishal K-
dc.contributor.authorPatel, Snehal S-
dc.descriptionAustin Journal of Clinical Neurology; 2017, Volume 4 Issue 5en_US
dc.description.abstractRestless legs syndrome is a chronic progressive sleep associated sensory motor disorder which develops within the neurological disorders like Parkinsonism, Neuropathy pain and possible dementia. The global prevalence of restless legs syndrome is increasing day by day and research studies have been reported the essential need for research in specific diagnosis and treatment of restless legs syndrome. Prevalence of Restless legs syndrome is more in Female and pregnant women than men in the almost whole world. In India and many other countries of Asia and throughout the world the term Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is still a questionnaire. It is reported many a time by the Physicians, Neurologists and Gynecologists as a mal-diagnosis of Restless legs syndrome in India and in others countries also. The exact pathophysiology of the RLS is still not clear, but some superficial assumptions regarding the progressions of disease and root of disease through the gene molecular concepts. Few Traditional Chinese medicine and allopathic medicine have been reported a successful treatment of RLS, but it is either symptomatic or depends on time management. Dopamine Agonist and opioids are possible symptomatic treatment for RLS, but no treatment is available if it has entered in a severe stage of RLS. Relations to the lower cerebral ferric and Dopamine levels are probably reported as the cause for Restlessness like, although genetic biomarkers have been developed for the diagnosis of the disease. The core treatment of the disease is still under discovery. Early diagnosis of the disease can make difference in the first line treatment.en_US
dc.publisherAustin Publishing Groupen_US
dc.subjectRestless leg syndromeen_US
dc.subjectDopamine antagonisten_US
dc.subjectFerric ionen_US
dc.subjectPeriodic limb movement disorder (PLMD)en_US
dc.titleRestless Legs Syndrome, the Pitfall: Hardly Diagnosed and Rarely Treated Neurological Diseaseen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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