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Title: Use of Waste Foundry Sand for Improving The Performance of Plain and Reinforced Concrete
Authors: Doshi, Tirth
Keywords: Civil 2015
Project Report 2015
Civil Project Report
Project Report
CASAD 2015
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MCLC07;
Abstract: Foundry industries are produce useful materials. However along with this material some by-products are also produced in huge amount. The dumping of this by-product material is major issue of the industries. Waste foundry sand is major by-product of metal casting industry and successfully used as a land filling material for many years. But use of waste foundry sand for land filling is becoming a problem, due to rapid increase in disposal cost. An effort to use the waste foundry sand in large volume. Experimental program was carried out to study and comparison. The influence of utilization of waste foundry sand as a substitute material for fine aggregate in concrete manufacturing. In experimental program, natural sand was partial replaced with waste foundry sand, with using M25 grades of concrete mixtures. _ne aggregate (river sand) was replaced with three different mixes with varying proportion of waste foundry sand as Mix-A of 20% (River Sand=80%, Molasses Sand=20%), Mix-B of 40% (RS=60%, MS=30%, GS=5%, CS=5%) and control concrete. Experimental investigation was performed in two parts one is plane cement concrete and another is reinforced cement concrete. In plane cement concrete, Evaluate the mechanical properties such as compressive strength, flexure strength and modulus of elasticity. Same as durability properties like Acid attack, sulphate attack, acceleration carbonation, water permeability and rapid chloride penetration test (RCPT). In second part, reinforced cement concrete RC beam element are tested. It is observed that workability of waste foundry sand concrete is tend to reduce. It may be due to high water absorption and finer particle size of the waste foundry sand. The results demonstrate that strength and durability properties of waste foundry sand concrete is marginal high then normal concrete, up to 40% of waste foundry sand replacement with natural river sand. Thus, it is observed that more than 40% replacement is not suitable.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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