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Title: Optimizing pervious concrete mix design for paving applications
Authors: Lolariya, Vivek
Keywords: Civil 2015
Project Report 2015
Civil Project Report
Project Report
CASAD 2015
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MCLC12;
Abstract: In the current era, urban roads are being covered with concrete or bituminous pavement hence water cannot seeps through the pavement and starts running on the surface which will damage pavement and in addition to that the ground water recharge will be minimal. Hence for an better approach the Pervious concrete pavement emerged out. Pervious concrete was firstly used in 1800s in Europe in pavement surfacing and load bearing walls, cost reduction was the prime motive at that time. It became increasingly viable in Europe after WWII due to scarcity of cement. Pervious concrete is having lower compressive strength hence its acceptance in the construction industry is limited. It's usability is limited to low traffic parking areas, pedestrian areas and sound absorber material. Hence a mix containing sufficient strength is required. Pervious concrete provides large number of hydrological solutions . So rewarded as Best Storm water Management Practice by Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) US. Prevention of water runoff, ponding, recharging ground water level are prime benefits of it.These properties are due to porous structure of the concrete. As it has no fines or very less amount of fines the voids content ranges from 15\% to 40\%.It gives permeability about 2mm/sec to 20mm/sec and density ranging from $1500 kg/m^3$ to $2500 kg/m^3$.And compressive strength ranging 5MPa to 20 MPa. These characteristics dependent on various parameters like bonding between aggregate and cement, aggregate flakiness, type of compaction, type of curing etc. So in the present context, the research has been done by changing a/c ratios with changing w/c ratios, changing admixture content and applying varying compaction methods. And at last 3 m x 10 m pervious concrete pavement was constructed.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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