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Title: Quick Look Display and Anaglyph Generation
Authors: Shah, Rahul K.
Keywords: Computer 2007
Project Report 2007
Computer Project Report
Project Report
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2009
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 07MCE017
Abstract: ISRO first moon mission - Chandrayan-I, has multiple Payloads, Two Imaging payloads,Terrai Mapping Camera and Hyper Spectral Imager Onboard the spacecraft project. This project is aimed to develop - a Image Display System - with capability of displaying Satellite images which is being acquired real-time through data acquisition card or received in raw data format file. For Displaying Satellite images on Computer display its required reduction in image resosultion for preserving visual quality of reduce satellite image various algorithms are proposed.Like Sub-Sampling ,Convolution and Wavelet-Base Method. Generate the anaglyph image for moon surface to observe moon surface structure in 3-D View. Anaglyph images generated for TMC images. For anaglyph generation same viewing area must be search using various image matching method. After that anaglyph is generated using anaglyph generation algorithm.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE

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