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Title: Performance Based Design of Marine Structures
Authors: Kapoor, Prannay
Keywords: Civil 2015
Project Report 2015
Civil Project Report
Project Report
CASAD 2015
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MCLC24;
Abstract: Damages caused due to earthquake in seismically active region is well known and various design methodologies have emerged as a result. However similar effort is not been considered in implementing these methodologies with respect to Marine structures or Port structures in particular especially when we discuss the provisions made in Indian seismic code IS:1893-Part 1 (2002). Currently in India, no guideline is available for seismic design of Port structures. Economic impact of past earthquakes along the coast have clearly indicated the need for such provisions for port structures. Performance based Seismic design is a methodology to comprehend structure's performance and thus overcome the limitation of convention seismic design. In present study seismic analysis of such problem is taken as a case study and comparative study between different analysis method provided in IS:1893-Part 1(2002) and PIANC (2001) is done. Outcome of the study is then used for performance based design by evaluating the seismic performance of port structures as per performance criteria provided in PIANC(2001) Further the concept of liquefaction is discussed which plays a vital role while working toward earthquake resistant design of port structures. As such the phenomena of liquefaction cannot be taken as independent measure for a port structure and becomes an integral part when dealing with Performance based methodology.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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