Photographs Album, IT : [457] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 457
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Aug-2016NIT First Year Student Orientation Programme (M.Tech) - 2016, August 5, 2016, Chief Guest Shri Dr. M. N. PatelInstitute of Technology, NU
30-Jul-2016NIT First Year Student Orientation Programme (B.Tech) - 2016, July 30, 2016Institute of Technology, NU
30-Jul-2016Nirma University One Day Workshop on NSS, July 30, 2016Institute of Technology, NU
5-Aug-2004NIT First Year Student Orientation Programme (B. Tech) at Thakorbhai Desai Hall, August 5, 2004, Chief Guest Shri Parthiv PatelInstitute of Technology, NU
21-Jul-2003Nirma Police Station, July 21, 2003Institute of Technology, NU
24-Nov-2000NIT First Year Student Orientation Programme (B. Tech) - 2000, November 24, 2000Institute of Technology, NU
15-May-2004UGC Committee Visit to Nirma University on May 15, 2004Institute of Technology, NU
21-Feb-2004Public Lecture by H. H. Sri Sri Ravishankarji, February 21, 2004Institute of Technology, NU
24-Jan-2004Sports Day - 2004, January 24 - 25, 2004Institute of Technology, NU
13-Jul-2003Doordarshan Robocon - 2003, National Robotics Games Competition, July 13 - 14, 2003, Chief Guest Shri Narendra Modi and Smt Anandiben PatelInstitute of Technology, NU
6-Jan-2004Yoga and Pranayam by Swami Ramdevji Maharaj, January 6, 2004Institute of Technology, NU
17-Nov-2003Eighth Annual Convention of ISTE Gujarat Section and Seminar on Multimedia Application in Engineering Education, November 17, 2003, Chief Guest Prof. R. S. Nirjar, Prof. A. J. Shah, Prof. H. P. SinhaInstitute of Technology, NU
21-Jun-2016International Yoga Day - 2016 at Nirma UniversityInstitute of Technology, NU
22-Dec-2003AICTE - AIDED National Seminar on Networking R & D Institutions, Industry and Academic Institutions For Quality Enhancement in Technical Education, December 22 - 23, 2003, Chief Guest Dr. Geeta Bhardwaj, Dr. D. Bhatnagar, Dr. P. N. Bhagwati, Dr. P. C. Jain, Dr. Abhijit Bhattacharya, Shri H. K. Mittal, Dr. Madhu Mehta, Shri Sunil Parikh, Shri B. G. Ogale, Shri Kalyan Banerjee, Dr. Swaminathan, Dr. A. R. Dasgupta, Prof. Kartie C Khilar, Shri Paneervel, Mr. Sunil ParekhInstitute of Technology, NU
11-Oct-2003Ras Garba - 2003, October 11, 2003Institute of Technology, NU
15-Oct-2003NIT First Year Student Orientation Programme (B. Tech) at Tagor Hall, October 15, 2003Institute of Technology, NU
2003NIT and NIDS Annual Day CelebrationInstitute of Technology, NU
2003NIT Freshers TalentInstitute of Technology, NU
14-Dec-2000XXX ISTE Annual Convention and National Seminar, December 14 - 16, 2000Institute of Technology, NU
14-Dec-2000XXX ISTE Annual Convention and National Seminar, December 14 - 16, 2000Institute of Technology, NU
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 457