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Title: In Vitro Propagation of Curcuma Longa L. (Tumeric)
Authors: Patel, Sarvangi
Keywords: Biochemistry
Project Report
Project Report 2019
Biochemistry Project Report
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Publisher: Institute of Science, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;SDR00334
Abstract: The different plant tissue culture techniques were used to grow the plants in vitro. Majorly sterilization process, media, temperature and light intensity are essential in plant tissue culture. The different parts like buds, sprouted shoots, leaves and powder of dried rhizome were used in the experiment. Two types of media MS and WPM were used for clonal multiplication, germination of explants and callus induction. Different growth hormones like IAA, NAA, BAP, GA3 and 2,4-D were used for the project work. Phytohormones like BAP, IAA, NAA and GA3 were used to increase the germination growth and multiplication rate whereas different concentrations of 2,4-D and BAP was used for callus induction. The concentration of chlorophyll varies in each species and it depends on the photosynthetic rate, estimation was done using young and adult leaves. The quality of Curcuma longa L. was determined using HPLC technique and the results were obtained.
Description: SDR00334
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BC

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