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Title: To Evaluate the Reversal Potential of Curcumin Nano - formulation on DEN Induced Liver Cancer
Authors: Patel, Manisha
Gajjar, Mansi
Patel, Priya
Akbari, Urvisha
Keywords: Biotechnology
Project Report
Project Report 2019
Biotechnology Project Report
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Publisher: Institute of Science, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;SDR00348
Abstract: Gut dysbiosis has been identified as an important factor in liver diseases in recent studies. The relationship between gut microflora and liver is not yet very well understood. Liver is constantly confronted of gut derived LPS due to its anatomical location leading to the inflammation and liver injury. Elevated level of LPS in liver leads to the activation of kupffer cells and induces inflammatory cytokines and NF-kB (Nuclear factor kappaB) activation mediated by TLR (Toll like receptor). Curcumin has been widely used as an anticancer agent and have shown potential reversal effects on liver cancer. In this study we used curcumin nanoparticles to overcome its poor bioavailability and improve targeted release. Previous studies have shown that modulation of gut microflora is associated with liver cancer induction and progression. To study the effect of gut microflora modulation on induction of liver cancer, we used mice models which were given mixed diet (HSD-high sugar + HFD- high fat diet) to modulate gut microbiota followed by DEN (diethyl nitrosamine) and 2-AAF (2-Acetylaminoflourene). The reversal effects of curcumin was studied by analysing the biochemical parameters (SGOT and SGPT), gene expression studies (AFP, TLR4) and histopathological studies. Biochemical parameters (SGOT, GGT), gene expression studies (TLR4, AFP), histopathological studies and microbial analysis (ratio of bacteriodetes to firmicutes) suggest that prior modulation of gut microflora delays induction of liver cancer.
Description: SDR00348
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BT

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