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Title: Crosslinking of starch and its effect on viscosity behaviour
Authors: Shah, Nimish
Mewada, Rajubhai K.
Mehta, Tejal
Keywords: crosslinking mechanism
starch crosslinking
viscosity behaviour
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: De Gruyter
Series/Report no.: IPFP0336;
Abstract: Starch is a widely used component in the food industry. Native starch does not have the desired properties, so it is modified according to the required properties. Out of different methods, crosslinking is one of the widely used ones. There are different crosslinking agents available. The method and mechanism of widely used crosslinking agents like phosphorous oxychloride, adipate and epichlorohydrin are discussed and compared. When starch is crosslinked, its properties vary. The extent of crosslinking can be predicted with the help of properties like viscosity and swelling. They are also compared for crosslinking by different agents.
Description: Review in Chemical Engineering: Vol. 32 No. 2; January 2016
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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