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Title: Software Development for IOT Home Gateway
Authors: Desai, Kartik
Keywords: EC 2015
Project Report
Project Report 2015
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2015
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MECE07;
Abstract: IoT home gateway is a network point that acts as an entrance between two different devices or network. It can be configured and programmed to operate multiple devices. It acts as a bridge between the smart home devices and cloud. As various devices are operated at different RF technologies it becomes difficult to make communication among them as there was no standardization in IoT Industry.The challenge for the IoT ecosystem is to ensure these emerging IoT devices can connect securely and reliably to the Internet and to each other. The IoTivity is a framework provided by Open Interconnect Consortium(OIC). OIC provides the Software Development Kit(SDK) using which standardized Software can be developed for IoT home gateway.It has the support for all the radio frequency(RFs) technologies like Wifi, 6LoWPAN, Zigbee and many more. This software establishes a complete IoTivity stack in the gateway. IoT home gateway plays a crucial role to make easier communication. The modules developed individually using IoTivity framework. This development is done with C++ SDK APIs and libraries provided by IoTivity framework. This module will be integrated with gateway client which will be running as a daemon process in the gateway. The Resource Directory service is developed using IoTivity Framework which provides a complete logging mechanism for the devices inside the network. It also creates a complete database module using MongoDB for the device’s logs.The entity handlers used in the module are developed in an optimized manner so that can make a faster callback. The security service for gateway uses DTLS mechanism and restricts the unregistered users to control the home automation appliances(H.A). It is difficult to decryption as it uses a strong encryption to secure the data packets exchanged between client and server. These modules add the values to the IoT home gateway which makes a good contribution to the IoT ecosystem.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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