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Title: Automate the Testing of Application User Interface of Atonarp Mass Spectrometer
Authors: Patel, Karan
Keywords: EC 2015
Project Report
Project Report 2015
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2015
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MECE17;
Abstract: Mass Spectrometer is a device that ionizes the mixture of gases and separates ions based on their mass to charge ratio (m/z). This process is accomplished by Quadrupole principle. In today's date, Mass Spectrometer can be widely used in semiconductor industries, Natural gas metering system to precisely determine the gas composition, pharmaceutical companies, Medical applications etc. While making such a device there is a need for thorough testing and validation of the software and hardware of the device. The device here is called "Atonarp Mass Spectrometer (AMS)". The testing of AMS mainly comprises of the AMS-Manager i.e. the Middleware and the AMS-User Interface. Testing of this software can be done manually as well as automatically by automat- ing the test case with the help of some automation tools. Selenium is the tool used here to automate all the test cases which in turn saves the time of testing a new software, as well as can nd new bugs in the software more accurately. Thus firstly all the necessary test cases were developed and according to that test cases, they are under automation using selenium and scripting in python. So, till now 40% of the test cases are automated and they are sanity test and functional test cases.Thus, previously it use to take 2-3 days to test sanity and functional test cases, but as of now it takes 45 minutes for the script to test all this test cases. Test Plan devel- opment and Validation of the driver board eg. Power Entry board that drives the whole system comprising of Pumps, Valves, and Heaters is also being done success- fully. Critical issue got reported and debugged during this Validation cycle. Thus the main purpose of this project is to automate the testing process of User Interface of AMS that comprises of testing of Bootloader, Device Drivers, board functionality tests, calibration tests, UI functional testing, Scan test etc.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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