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Title: Enable High Quality and Extended Debug Mechanism in Next Generation Design Validation Framework
Authors: Vadhavaniya, Kruti
Keywords: EC 2015
Project Report
Project Report 2015
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2015
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MECE28;
Abstract: In this era, designs become more complex which can not be handled by simple design tool. Main concern is design time to market that can be minimized by advanced automated tools must be needed. Therefore the use of design validation framework provides a higher degree of design confidence and reduces efforts in a re-spin process that result in less time to market. But there are some aws like not proper qual- i cation steps, complex debugging, high maintenance cost and compatibility with technology. All problems can be solved by next generation design validation frame- work. Compilation time is reduced, so overall design time to market. The purpose of this project is to identify quality gaps and overcome it with new features and improvising existing features. Thesis work is divided into two parts, one part explains the improvement in de- bugging approach while another part has detailed run time analysis to improve the overall performance of the ow. For debugging, availability of information is required. Dependency analyzer tool helps to verify functionality of the ow and debug, generated data. To provide information of ow directly to user several help commands are introduced. Enabling standard debug support make ow e cient and more useful. Performance improvement depends on many factors where run time analysis is one of the critical factors for performance. Run time analysis is done on ow and several methodologies are discussed to reduce run time. Results achieved as 56% of improvement. Testing is one the important factor of framework. Different types of tests are there to check correctness and working of the ow. The framework should efficient, for that run time analysis is done for the test framework. Many unnecessary and inefficient test cases are removed with the suggestion of several methods of improvement. Hence, total design time to market can be reduced.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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