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Title: Estimation of Optimal Value of Synchronous Impedance using Artificial Intelligence Technique
Authors: Chavda, Pratiksinh Bhupendrasinh
Keywords: Electrical 2015
Project Report 2015
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
EPS 2015
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MEEE04;
Abstract: In order to meet the increasing demand of electric power, it is necessary operate multiple generators in parallel to each other. The instant of synchronization plays vital role in the purview of system stability and mechanical forces subjected on the shaft of the machine and hence there is requirement of predicting the proper instant of synchronization. If two alternators are not synchronized properly, there will be synchronizing current owing between two alternators. When all necessary and essential conditions are matched, synchronizing current would be zero, else it will have some magnitude corresponding to mismatch of parameters i.e. voltage, frequency etc. Based on this idea, using this synchronous current signal for different conditions a control strategy has to be developed to determine correct instant for smooth synchronization of alternator. Synchronizing current is the ratio of difference between phase voltages of two alternators and synchronous impedance. To determine synchronous impedance there is a requirement to obtain synchronous reactance first but it will change with change in load and power factor due to this synchronous impedance is changing. so, there will be needed to obtain optimum value of synchronous impedance to calculate synchronizing current. To determine synchronous reactance AI technique is more suitable. So that one possibility of synchronous impedance estimation via Genetic Algorithm has been presented here. The results obtained using AI technique is validated using conventional experimental method.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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