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Title: Optimal Generation Scheduling of Electric Power System including Renewable Sources
Authors: Vashi, Het Chetankumar
Keywords: Electrical 2015
Project Report 2015
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
EPS 2015
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MEEE29;
Abstract: Economic dispatch(ED) is an important multi-objective optimization problem decides the amount of generation allocating various generating units with including renewable sources. Its main objective for minimizing the fuel cost by extracting maximum power from the renewable sources. This problem is defined for hybrid system which includes conventional thermal and hydro generation units. As the nature of the renewable sources is difficult to predict accurately, a preliminary approach for the optimal generation scheduling can be adopted using PSO technique. A method used for scheduling hydro thermal power system is based on langrangian relaxation technique. A hydro-thermal scheduling is main optimization problem for power system network. In a hydro thermal power system, an optimal per hour scheduling can be done by applying PSO Technique. The new coordinated hydro-thermal scheduling generates total lower cost and re- quires less computation time. To minimize the power generation cost dynamic generation scheduling model is used.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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