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Title: Design and Development of Material Handling Equipments of Automatic Fly Ash Brick Making Machine
Authors: Mehta, Shubham Dilipkumar
Keywords: Mechanical 2015
Project Report
Project Report 2015
Mechanical Project Report
CAD/CAM 2015
Fly Ash Brick
Feeding Unit
Pan Mixer
Hydraulic Power Pack
Material Handling Equipments
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MMCC13;
Abstract: “Waste Material Utilization” and “Solid Waste Recycling” is becoming the largest and biggest challenges to the environment and society. Taking these harmful fact in mind Government considering the current scenario and try to figures it out.Due to these now a day’s scientists and researchers all over the world are finding effective ways of utilization of industrial wastes like Fly ash, Red Mud in the production of building sectors and try to sort it out in beneficial manner. The countless increasing proportion of fly ash quantities in the world has not been remotely matched by its utilization. Out of this large amount of fly ash only minor amount is utilized and remaining huge amount is dumped in many ways so it creates negative impact on society and environment.To prevent from these impacts we are developing the Automated Fly ash Brick Machine. It helps in reducing air pollution control. These brick machine use Fly ash as a primary constituent in material composition along with cement, sand and lime make a green compacting and eco friendly Fly ash Brick.To address same issue, attempt has been made to develop automatic fly-ash brick manufacturing machine.Brick machine consist components such as conveyor, hopper, feeder, mould box, moulding and demoulding punch, hydraulic cylinder etc. In this project report design of hopper and feeder is discussed. This report also contain selection of pan mixer, belt conveyor and hydraulic power pack.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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