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Title: Industrialization of Molded Case Circuit Breaker and Increase Yield for Same
Authors: Tiwari, Akash P.
Keywords: Mechanical 2015
Project Report
Project Report 2015
Mechanical Project Report
CIM 2015
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MMCM01;
Abstract: Productivity enhancement is key for survival in the market industrialization .The main objective of this project is to solve the problems with existing pull gauge used for Flux Shift Drive (FSD).Cause and effect diagram has been prepared to identify the problem related to pull gauge testing of FSD. Modifications were proposed in the fixture holding the FSDs. It has been observed that the rejection and rework has been reduced. Also to address the problem of increased manufacturing cycle time for manufacturing of Auxiliary switch/Trip Alarm Contact (AUX/TAC) a manufacturing station is developed to reduce the manufacturing cycle time. A fixture has been developed for barcode pasting process. A carrousel has been conceptualized ,designed ,fabricated an d tested for the assembly activates related to MCCB. The carrousel imparts flexibility for assembling of variants of MCCBs. The productivity has been increased by 3.28 %.Yield analysis for each change proposed is done to know the margin of improvement after the changes done in terms of either time,cost,number of correct units produced. Through this work it can be understood the development of new product development to production phase till final execution phase.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CIM)

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