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Title: Redesign and Optimization of Injection Molding Machine Base
Authors: Rajgor, Ishita
Keywords: Mechanical 2015
Project Report
Project Report 2015
Mechanical Project Report
Design 2015
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MMED10;
Abstract: Injection molding machine of 2000T of clamping force are widely used for manufacturing plastic components. The base of the machine which serves as a platform for the machine components like stationary platen, moving platen, clamp cylinder, etc. As per the existing design the base structure his heavy and requires lots of material and machining. The aim of the project is to redesign the machine base of injection molding machine of 2000T, in order to optimize the mass without compromising on the strength and functioning of any component. The work presented includes design calculation, finite element analysis and optimization of injection molding machine base. Theoretical calculation for bending strength, shear capacity, deflection and local buckling for the existing design and three proposed designs are carried out. Finite element analysis has been carried out for the existing design and the stress value is compared with the acceptance criteria. Three alternate designs are proposed for the base of the machine. Major design is modified in a way that the base plate of 150mm under stationary platen is reduced to 50mm and altering the existing stiffeners to standard structural section in order to achieve mass reduction of the machine base. Optimizing two proposed designs and redesigning on the bases of the result of optimization. Performing finite element analysis on the optimized proposed design and checking/comparing with the acceptance criteria. With the implementation of the optimized designs mass reduction is up to 950kg (15.8%) and profit of around Rs.75, 000.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Design)

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