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Title: Wear Analysis of Bush Presser Unit of a Textile Engineering Component
Authors: Sawant, Tanmay Prakash
Keywords: Mechanical 2015
Project Report
Project Report 2015
Mechanical Project Report
Design 2015
Textile Machinery
Bush Presser Unit
Bush Design
Force Analysis
Dynamic Simulation
Semi Polyamide Bush
Wear Volume Loss
Wear Depth
Alternate Material
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MMED11;
Abstract: One of the fastest evolving and widely researched discipline which has an application in mechanical engineering is textile machinery. This is due to its high consumption of textile products both in domestic or commercial markets. Such machinery requires light weighted but strong machine components making them effective as far as time and capital is concerned. During the process of converting cotton fibres in to yarn, the fibre has to go throw the spinning process, in which the fibre is spun on to the bobbin by the flyer. The flyer is a component of the roving machine, used as a part of spinning process. The main objective of the project is to increase the service life of the flyer by reducing the wear between the bush and the presser, which are the components of the flyer. The modelling of the flyer is done in CAD software package and the dynamic simulation is performed in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 software. Force analysis of the bush presser unit is conducted theoretically, experimentally, using computer simulation, and the results are compared. The design of bush is verified using the Vespel DuPont catalogue. Various materials which can replace the presently used semi polyamide bush (15% graphite) are found. Wear volume loss is calculated using Ansys software and wear depth calculated using semi analytical method for presently used bush and other selected material based on investigation. Number of days are estimated based on the wear volume loss and wear depth and are compared with real life situation. It is found that newly proposed bush material can give longer life (approximately more than two times) than existing bush material.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Design)

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