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dc.contributor.authorPrabhu, Sanika-
dc.description.abstractEnergy being necessity for development of any country needs to be conserved and used judicially. World energy demand is continously increasing due to wide development in industrialization and rapid increase in population that our limited reservoirs of energy will soon be exhausted because of our current rate of consumption.Due to rapid depletion in world petroleum reserviours as well as harsh environmental concerns due to polution have stimulated the research for alternative renewable fuels that are capable of fulfilling our current increase in energy demand. In recent decades, the research concerning about the benefits of using renewable energy has intensified the efforts for sustainable energy sources. Both the energy needs as well as increased environmental destruction has stimulated the research for an alternative energy resourse.Biodiesel plays an important role in this area because of its properties as well as development activities to become a perfect candidate to replace fossil fuels. Biodiesel fuel (fatty acid methyl ester (FAME)) which is derived from vegetable oil, primarily contains triglycerides (TGs) and free fatty acids (FFAs), is considered as the best option for substitution of diesel fuel in diesel engines which can be used as (100% biodiesel) or it can be blended with petroleum or diesel.It is a possible alternative (or extender) to petroleum or diesel fuel. In this project we investigate the optimum blend of biodiesel with diesel in multifueled CI engine present in nirma university mechanical lab.Suitable blends like B10,B20,B30,B40,B50 and B70 are prepared and tested on 1 Cylinder, 4 Stroke, Multi-fueled,VCR(Computerized) present in Nirma University.Also a mathematical model using taguchi method in minitab17 is prepared using results of B10,B50,B70 and its interactions with Compression ratios 16,17,18 ansd Injection Pressure 180,200,220 are observed to find a scientific way of optimizating the result for different blends of biodiesel.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen_US
dc.subjectMechanical 2015en_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2015en_US
dc.subjectMechanical Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.subjectThermal 2015en_US
dc.titleExperimental Analysis Using Taguchi And Optimization Of Different Blends Of Biodiesel In Multifuel C.I Engineen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Thermal)

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