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Title: Design, Fabrication and Testing of Hull for New Concept of Anti-Mine Vehicle
Authors: Thakor, Abhijitsinh R.
Keywords: Mechanical 2015
Project Report 2015
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
Thermal 2015
Experimental Analysis
Hull Design
High-speed Photography
Momentum Transfer
Video Analysis Technique
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 15MMET27;
Abstract: Armored Vehicles are used to transport both army equipment and personnel. Land mines are one of the major threats to army vehicles. The range of threat due to mines are very high. Land mines are one type of high explosive that generates high-velocity shock waves when exploded. Global effects like vehicle acceleration, momentum transfer etc. caused by mines detonation depends on various parameters like the shape of the hull, soil compositions, the weight of the body, depth of burial of explosive etc. Out of these parameters, the soil compositions and depth of burial of explosive cannot be controlled by victims. The parameters which can be varied to reduce the global effect are the shape of the hull and weight of the body. Here, concept consists of the design of hull shape to reduce the momentum transfer. Experiments are carried out on two different hull design. The explosion is created by a medium sized cracker. Blast is an instantaneous phenomenon. So, to capture the blast effects on hull high-resolution cameras are used. The jump height is measured by a video-based analysis technique with the help of software. Experiments are carried out on scaled (1:8) model of the hull. Weight and dimensions are maintained same for both the models. Same soil conditions are maintained to carry out each experiment. The jump heights of the models are measured to calculate the impulse transfer on the vehicle. It is observed that the impulse transferred on modified hull shape is less than the simple V-hull.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Thermal)

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