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Title: SDN-based Vehicular Adhoc Network
Authors: Trivedi, Hardik
Keywords: Computer 2016
Project Report 2016
Computer Project Report
Project Report
NT 2016
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2018
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 16MCEN23;
Abstract: VANET technology has done a tremendous amount of contribution in many areas of communication technology and smart cities. VANET is almost same as MANET where mobile nodes communicate with each other or may request RSU or central controller for some information or data. SDN is emerging technology in networking and overcame many problems of traditional networking. Researchers have emerged these technologies and nowadays SDN based VANET is one of the key components in the field of Vehicular ad- hoc network. Traditional VANET suffers from many issues and the solution is SDN. SDN plays the crucial role in VANET and provide features like exibility, programmability in VANET, it also deals with security, dynamic nature and heterogeneous environment of VANET. SDN also helps VANET in scalability and dynamic decision making for optimal path selection and routing in the situation like congestion in VANET. In this dissertation work, I have analyzed that which concept supports which parameter better. SDN based VANET provides the good result in areas like QOS, Latency, and heterogeneity but, very few among this papers have taken security parameter in consideration. I explored tools like SUMO, Mininet, and NS-3 and used gained knowledge to simulate the environment and proposed a smart rerouting protocol to give better results in term of PDR and RTT, so ultimately all over throughput is also increased. SDN based VANET have good efficiency and results compared to a traditional network but its vulnerable to new attacks and has also introduced with new issues and challenges, in the Conclusion and future work future work and limitations are furthermore discussed.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (NT)

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