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Title: Study and Development of 3D Entertainment Consale
Authors: Trivedi, Yash A.
Keywords: EC 2016
Project Report
Project Report 2016
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2016
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2018
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 16MECE24;
Abstract: People use his smart phone or tablet, not only for communication purpose, but, with the time and innovation, People start using his smart system in various application like, Home/ industry monitoring system, in medical sys- tem and use to manage so many appliances and IoT devices. In market, from last few years a new buzz word come across the market i.e. 3D Stereoscopic, 3D VR (virtual reality) and 3D AR (Augmented Reality). We live in the world where everything can easily describe in 3 dimensions rather than 2 dimension, even our mind precept any object in 3D manner. A 3D view can make system more attractive and efficient. In this thesis, main target is to design such portable laptop or tablet kind of console. We can use such a high-performance console in so many field. Such as gaming industry, auto- motive field, medical imagine, Educational etc. By creating the Two separate images (called image pairs) for left and right eye and pass this image in se- quential manner at high frequency then we can realize the 3D effect called 3D VR. For that, required special type of Hardware (system) required. All conceptual as well designing information related to 3D visualization explains in this thesis.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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