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Title: Design and Development of Power System Stabilizer for Synchronous Generator
Authors: Patel, Harsh Kalpeshkumar
Keywords: Electrical 2016
Project Report 2016
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
EPS 2016
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2018
Series/Report no.: 16MEEE13;
Abstract: Large power systems are often characterized by spontaneous inter area oscillations, which may be caused by small disturbances such as changes in load that take place continuously. Also fast acting exciters with high gain Automatic Voltage Regulators increases synchronizing torque component and so improves steady state and transient stability. But this reduces damping torque component and so reduces oscillatory or small signal stability. This can endanger maximum power transfer capability and optimal power system security. A contemporary solution to this problem is the addition of Power System Stabilizers to the Automatic Voltage Regulators of the generators in the power system. Power system stabilizer increases damping torque component and so improves oscillatory stability. The aim of this project is to develop Power System Stabilizer using different techniques with suitable input signals, compare the results of the different techniques and implement best technique for hardware setup.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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