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dc.contributor.authorPatel, Devyani Vijaykumar-
dc.description.abstractDc-dc converter is the essential part of any payload for earth observation satellite. It provides low noise multi-output supply lines to different sub-systems of Electro-Optical payload such as detector signal processor, payload controller, output data formatter, house keeping circuit blocks, etc. These dc-dc converters provide regulated output lines with input side isolation, over current protection and telemetry signals. One of the key requirements is for payload controller block which requires 3.8V supply line with current exceeding 4A. The project aims at developing an isolated forward converter using Magamp as post regulator. The magnetics design for this converter is challenging and involves deep understanding of power electronics and electromagnetics. Magamp acts as an ideal switch and regulates the output against varying load current. Project objective includes circuit design, analysis, simulation, modelling and implementation of Forward converter using Magamp. The forward converter has been designed, simulated and proto-type model has been developed. Prototype design has been implemented on printed circuit board (PCB) and tested to full output power rating (15W). The experimental results are presented and the corresponding future enhancements are discussed.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen_US
dc.subjectElectrical 2016en_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2016en_US
dc.subjectElectrical Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.subjectEC (PEMD)en_US
dc.subjectPower Electronics, Machines & Drivesen_US
dc.subjectPEMD 2016en_US
dc.titleDesign and Implementation of Forward Converter using Magnetic Amplifieren_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (PEMD)

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