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Title: Design and Development of Retrofit Solution for Upgrading and life Extension of Air Circuit Breakers
Authors: Patel, Dipen
Keywords: Mechanical 2016
Project Report
Project Report 2016
Mechanical Project Report
CAD/CAM 2016
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2018
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 16MMCC11;
Abstract: As production advances and improves over the years, it is normal to see loads increased, system changed and addition of new equipment. It is important to recognize that air circuit breakers which put into services many years ago might not work as per the required reliability. Aging breakers become obsolete, which may be insufficient to satisfy need of customers such as mechanical and electrical performance and life extension. Retrofitting is evolving method which is used for addition of new technology to older systems. Obtaining spares for obsolete circuit breakers can prove to be impossible and replacing the entire breaker can have an impact due to production downtime and budget constraints. Retrofitting of air circuit breaker has been proven to be a cost and time effective is effective to retrofit obsolete breaker, which ultimately enhances the function and performance of system. Theoretical study has been carried out at the beginning of the project to understand different air circuit breakers. Retrofitting achieves the life extension of air circuit breaker. The study led to deeper knowledge in the areas and formed a base for the development. Certain design concepts has been developed without changing it’s specification. Electrical as well mechanical constraints has been taken care while retrofitting of air circuit breaker.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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