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Title: Fire Resistant Geopolymeric Coating for Building Materials
Authors: Cholera, Raxit
Keywords: Civil 2017
Project Report 2017
Civil Project Report
Project Report
CASAD 2017
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2019
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 17MCLC01;
Abstract: Fire hazards take many lives each year. Building materials are often susceptible to fire hazards. Many materials are damaged due to elevated temperatures at the time of fire. In particular, mild steel weakens around 430-480 oC and cannot support any load after 650 oC. Geopolymer is a material which is synthesized from the waste materials like fly ash and have a very good fire resisting capacity till 1100 oC – 1200 oC. Geopolymers also have a very good adhesive property, so they can be used as a coating to protect the other building materials at the time of fire. Hence, here a study is conducted to prepare different mix designs of geopolymers for different building materials like mild steel and concrete. So that they can be protected at the time of fire. Mainly for these geopolymer coating, two properties are to be evaluated i.e. the adhesive strength and the fire resisting capacity. Different coatings were tested on materials and their fire resisting capacity is measured under the furnace, to evaluate their capacity to withstand high temperature. Adhesive strength for the coating was also checked.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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