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Title: Automated Testing Framework for Medium Voltage Drive using Hardware in Loop System & Emulator Setup
Authors: Bamania, Mihir Piyushbhai
Keywords: Electrical 2017
Project Report 2017
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
Power Electronics, Machines & Drives
PEMD 2017
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2019
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 17MEEP09;
Abstract: In global market, ABB is a main worldwide provider of medium voltage drives in the range of 250 kW to more than 100 MW. ABB supplies medium voltage adjustable speed drives for an extensive variety of uses like in the mining and minerals, water, metals, cement, marine, control and compound, oil and gas businesses. Electric drives are utilized to adjust speed of motor to the required speed, subsequently increase in energy efficiency & dynamic response. In Automated testing framework [ATF], testing of drive is carried out automatically to reduce human efforts, to improve efficiency & for safety reasons. Before releasing drive to end user, it is extremely necessary to perform application software testing. Here Manual testing & Automated testing are performed using Hardware in Loop system as well as Emulator setup on drive. Various testcases explain requirements & benefits of ATF over Manual testing. The Aim of the project is to perform testing using "Automated testing framework" for medium voltage drive, "Hardware in Loop System & Emulator Setup". In this project various testing has been carried out which are performed on medium voltage drive according to applications.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (PEMD)

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