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dc.contributor.authorSisodiya, Abhilasha H.-
dc.description.abstractAlgae are photosynthetic life forms, and are exceedingly presented to a combination of very stressful elements, viz., ultraviolet light and oxygen at the starting point of the arrangement of free radicals and other reactive oxidative reagents. Despite their exposure to destructive reactive oxygen species, due to the absence of oxidative harm in the basic segments of ocean growth proposes their cells have defensive antioxidative protection frameworks. These marine greeneries might be considered as a potential asset of regular cancer prevention agent particles. Numerous analysts have discovered seaweed is rich generator of cancer prevention agent which can act against lipid oxidation in nourishments and oxidative worry in target tissues.Current estimate antioxidant activity of the Indian coastal gulf of Kutch algal species is one of the parameter studied and also studied secondary metabolite quantitatively (Polyphenl & Flavonoid) uv-visible derivative method. On the other hand, polyphenolic compounds, like flavonoids and phenolic acids, commonly found in various algal species have been reported to have multiple biological effects, including antioxidant activity. Recent studies of free radicals are formed disproportionately in diabetes by glucose oxidation, non-enzymatic glycation of proteins, and the subsequent oxidative degradation of glycated proteins. Abnormally high levels of free radicals and the simultaneous decline of antioxidant defense mechanisms may lead to the damage of cellular organelles and enzymes, increased lipid peroxidation, and development of insulin resistance. However, when the natural antioxidant defenses of the organism are overwhelmed by an excessive generation of ROS, a situation of “oxidative stress” occurs, in which cellular and extracellular macromolecules (proteins, lipids and nucleic acids) can suffer oxidative damage, causing tissue injury. Polyphenols are generally divided into hydrolyzable tannins and phenylpropanoids, such as lignins, flavonoids, and condensed tannins. Flavonoids are a class of secondary metabolites that are thought to exert beneficial health effects through their antioxidant and chelating properties being the major contributor to the antioxidant capacity of vegetables. A reliable antioxidant protocol requires the measurement of more than one property relevant to either the extract or biological system because most natural antioxidants and phytochemicals are multifunctional. The antioxidant properties were measured the level of total phenol, total flavonoid, FRAP method.en_US
dc.publisherinstitute of Pharmacy, Nirma Universityen_US
dc.titleAssessment of in-vitro Antioxidant Activity of some Selected Sea Weeds from Gulf of Kutchen_US
Appears in Collections:M.Pharm. Research Reports, Pharmaceutical Analysis

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