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Title: Rural Audience’s Reaction to MGNREGA’s Communication Dissemination- A Case of 16 Villages of North Gujarat Region
Authors: Parashar, Sapna
Kadiya, Shriram
Bhatt, Vivek
Keywords: Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper, Management
Management, Faculty Paper
MGNREGA, Communication
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2019
Publisher: SS International Journal of Economics and Management
Abstract: The paper seeks to examine rural audience’s reactions to MGNREGA’s (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) TV and print advertisements. For the data collection and analysis part, respondents were divided on the basis of demographic factors such as age, gender, education and annual income. In total, 16 villages from the North Gujarat region were visited and responses were collected from 420 MGNREGA beneficiaries through personal contact method. The data analysis revealed that respondents' income had a major impact on their reactions to print advertisements, gender had a moderate influence on their reactions, while education and age had negligible influence. For TV advertisements, all the demographic factors had a similar influence on respondents' reactions, hence a significant difference between demographic factors was not found. These findings guide us towards an understanding that different set of demographic variables have their respective influence on respondents’ reactions to MGNREGA’s TV and print advertisements.
Description: SS International Journal of Economics and Management, Vol. 9 (2) March, 2019
ISSN: 2231-4962
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, IM

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