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Title: Ethernet TCP/IP For Multifunctionmeter and MultifunctionTransducer
Authors: Patel, Khushbu
Keywords: EC 2017
Project Report
Project Report 2017
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2017
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2019
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 17MECE12;
Abstract: Multi-function energy meters are equipped in power plant to remotely monitor the electricity consumption and measurement of instantaneous parameters likes voltage, current, power, active power, reactive power, power factor and some other impor- tant factors. Ethernet interface is provided to remotely communicate with Multi- function meter which involves sending commands from the system to the Multifunc- tion Meter(PM2160-A) for reading and writing the particular register and receiving data from Multi-function meters via Universal asynchronous reciever/transmitter to Ethernet Gateway. Ethernet interface uses MODNET Protocol in Remote Terminal Unit Mode.Ethernet based Multi-function meter is used in LAN network and it can be accessed from any where through the established network. Modbus is a serial master/slave protocol and can be run over any serial type media with high noise im- munity, while Modnet is only Ethernet based protocol, and as the speed of ethernet communication is faster than Modbus,modnet is better than modbus in transmission rate. So existing Multi-function meter(MFM) is connected to ethernet LAN access through Modnet protocol with nominal cost addition to existing product using an add on module and few physical design changes.The same task has been performed for Multifunction Transducer(MFT).It is a solid state TRANSDUCER Which gives corresponding Analog output 4-20mA or 0-10V w.r.t. electrical parameter measured except energies.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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