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Title: Design and Analysis of Functionally Graded Material for Cylindrical Shell
Authors: Shah, Vyom
Keywords: Mechanical 2017
Project Report
Project Report 2017
Mechanical Project Report
Design 2017
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2019
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 17MMED10;
Abstract: Functionally graded material (FGM) has a unique design in which material properties vary smoothly and continuously which leads to having better thermal and mechanical performance. Functionally graded material has a wide area of application due to its tailoring properties. FGM is used in advance engineering like spacecraft, High-speed automobile, nuclear reactor, etc. due to its high reliability and performance which overcome the limitation of other materials. From decades innovation of new material has increased exponentially, Alloys are found to overcome the limitation of base metal, composites are formed to overcome the limitation of alloys, FGM is formed and to overcome the limitation of de-lamination and stress concentration between the interface in composites. Research is going on for functionally graded materials due to its smooth and continuous desired material property variation across the given cross section. The main emphasis has been made here, to present a structural mechanical and steady-state thermal analysis of functionally graded flat plate and cylindrical shell which is made up of aluminum and ceramic. Design and analysis of FGM is crucial and leads to complicated mathematical modeling. Material properties like modulus of elasticity, thermal conductivity etc. of FGM is required to calculate across the thickness using power law. This task is accomplished by MATLAB programming. Material properties obtain by MATLAB programming is used for analysis. An analysis is performed for various volume gradation using MACROS in ANSYS APDL. The analysis results for functionally graded flat plate and cylinder is compared with a composite sandwich structure for the same boundary conditions and loading condition. It was found that functionally graded cylinder and flat plate has better thermal and mechanical performance then sandwich structure.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Design)

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