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Title: Interfacing of Robot in Molding Line for a Casting Process
Authors: Thakkar, Manthan
Keywords: Mechanical 2017
Project Report
Project Report 2017
Mechanical Project Report
Design 2017
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2019
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 17MMED11;
Abstract: The casting process involves preparation of mold, handling of mold box, pouring of molten metal etc. Out of all these process, pouring process is very crucial that needs proper care. Since the process involves molten metal, the process creates a dangerous environment for workers. Mold box Handling is one of the process that is associated with molding line in casting. It is difficult, time consuming and tedious process. It is laborious as well. Therefore, automation with robot has recently been exploited to improve the working environment in casting industry. A gripper is a device which enables the holding of a mold box to be manipulated. In this project work, the main focus is to design a gripper for handling of mold box that, it will hold the mold box, pick up and guide it for different processes. A gripper can be attached to a robot or it can be part of a fixed automation system. Practical solutions by calculating deflection of end effector, static and dynamic analysis is carried out and simulation is done using CAD/CAE software such as Creo Parametric and ANSYS Workbench. On successful completion of design process, gripper will be implemented for actual industrial purpose.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Design)

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