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Title: Remote Monitoring Workspot for Magnetic Resonance
Authors: Gada, Bansi
Keywords: EC 2018
Project Report 2018
EC Project Report
EC (Communication)
Communication 2018
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 18MECC15;
Abstract: Remote Monitoring Workspot for Magnetic Resonance (RMW-MR) is designed to provide the solution on a single platform for both predictive and pro-active remote monitoring to analyze alerts and to prevent system failures. This solution provides right maintenance services such as proactive, preventive and predictive services, remote or on-site services at right moment and at lower cost. The intended use of this solution is to monitor the equipment facilities and other resources in health centers and hospitals across the globe remotely by Remote Monitoring Engineer. In the health care industry, the medical devices will generate data and logs every second. Due to heavy load, some of the data in databases cannot give number of hits as expected. Thus few of data are being fetched and pushed to other database as a replica of first one. So to fetch the data, Remote Monitoring Workspot use Scheduler of fetching of data at given point of time and that gets reflected as a response. Earlier a scheduler with spring boot framework was used which schedules only at single job time mention with its API. This proposed feature provides Quartz Scheduler which dynamically creates multiple jobs with different cron time having different functionality of scheduling/unscheduling, pausing and stopping job of Scheduler. Along with creating job, this feature also provides deleting and updating of job with different Application Programming interfaces implemented in system.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (Communication)

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