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Title: Design and Development of High-Speed RF Phase and Impedance Measurement System Based on ZYNQ/FPGA
Authors: Upadhyay, Himani
Keywords: EC 2018
Project Report 2018
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2018
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 18MECE16;
Abstract: Nuclear fusion based system work on basis on confining plasma in reactor machine is known as Tokmak and Robin is an ICP (Inductively coupled plasma) source which is operated with a 100KW 1MHz tetrode based RFG (Radio frequency generator).Plasma ignited due to proper impedance matching, for that voltage and current measurement are an important. After initial work second phase of the work is ZYNQ based re-configurable platform. As per the requirement development board was selected which contained high speed ADCs interfaced with ZYNQ. The high-speed on-board ADCs are controlled by ZYNQ and the data from ADCs are transferred to the RAM. The development system is carried on Xilinx Vivado platform where IP blocks for each function are integrated and data transfer takes place on AXI protocol. Stored memory is read by CSV (Comma separated value) file using C program. The Development cycle is described in theses in detail. The present work has been undertaken to solve the cost issue faced in operation of the ICP Robin. The thesis covers the details of development cycle covering the phases of design, development and testing of the high-speed RF phase and impedance measurement system.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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