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Title: SERDES PHY GUI for Demonstration & Validation
Authors: Vekariya, Earnest
Keywords: EC 2018
Project Report 2018
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2018
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 18MECE18;
Abstract: SERDES is a pair of functional block used for high speed link communication. These blocks converts the serial data and parallel interface in bidirectional. Channel behaves as a low pass filter. As, the frequency of the data rate increases the channel distortion also increases due to the attenuation of the high frequency component. There is requirement of designing the filter to remove the channel distortion. The equalization is performed both on the transmitter and the receiver side to remove the channel distortion. The FFE filter is implemented is implemented on the transmitter side and DFE and CTLE filter is implemented on the receiver side. Demo GUI is software developed in MATLAB for the demonstration and validation of SERDES IP. The validation is performed for different standard and different pattern and lanes. Demo GUI can be used to find out parameter like error count, polarity and generate the plot of eye diagram and bathtub for different standard. Error count is used for the channel accuracy. From the eye diagram we obtain the information of the eye height and eye width. The eye height gives the information about the signal strength and signal to noise ratio. This information can be used to predict the attenuation of signal due to the channel. The eye width gives the information of the jitter in the signal. The timing synchronization is important parameter as the jitter increases with the increase in the high speed link.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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